Anna and Bryan's Orchard Wedding Will Warm Your Heart

In this frozen season I often find myself longing for spring.  I want to grab my keys, slip on shoes and leave the house unbundled to meet a cheerful sunny day.  When things get really bad (Hello, March in Minnesota!) I find myself sipping tea and pouring over images of gorgeous spring weddings.  Wanna Join me?

Nothing says Spring like an Apple Orchard!  Anna is the life-long friend of my partner so when this fantastic woman found Bryan I was thrilled.  She is a beautiful, authentic, intentional woman and I knew her wedding day would be all of those things.   When she sent me a beautiful email asking me to be her photographer (with a generous wide-open 'out' in case I wanted to “just be a guest”)  I couldn’t say “YES” Fast enough! 

Anna and Bryan were married at Bryan's Uncle’s Apple Orchard on a picture perfect day surrounded by all the people they love.  So, get cozy, grab a honeycrisp and take a stroll through their sunny, oh-so-warm day!


